Friday 30 August 2013

Assignment Operator | C Programming Language Tutorial pdf

Assignment Operator: 

Used to assign the result of an expression to a variable. '=' is the assignment operator. In addition C has a set of „short hand? assignment operators of the form.
x + = 1;      == >     x = x+1
x+ = y+1    == >     x = x+y+1

1. WAP to print whether a given number is even or odd

int a, b
printf(“ Enter a number “);
scanf(“ %d”, & a);
b = a%z;
((b = =o)? printf(“Even”): printf(“odd”);

2.  WAP to print logic 1 if input character is capital otherwise o
main ( )
char x ; int y;
printf((“ \n nter a character” );
scanf(“ % C “, & x);
y = (x>=65 && x <=90? 1:0);
printf(“ y : %d”, y);

1) Enter a character : A
2) Enter a character : a
y : o

  Shorthand operator     Assignment operator
      a + = 1                        a = a+1
      a - = 1                         a = a-1
      a * = n+1                    a = a* (n + 1)
      a / = n+1                     a = a/(n+1)
      a % = b                      a = a % b


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